Sistemas y Tecnologías Web: Servidor

Master de II. ULL. 1er cuatrimestre

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Clase del Lunes 10/01/2022 (Semana A)

Is this week an A week or a C week?

Since the skipped week 20-23 of December was an A week, it is not clear to me if it is an A or a C week

Component Basics

GitHub Profile Card

  • GitHub Profile Card (For this lab you have to watch the video Build a GitHub user profile component and solve the exercise)

Introduction to Vue

Previous labs

Vue Fundamentals

Exercise: Event Emitters

Lab: GraphQL-Simple-Server

Continue studying the basics of express and GraphQL

See the hello graphQL example at

Lab: GraphQL-Simple-Client

Lab: GraphQL Subscriptions

Tenemos una nueva práctica en camino sobre las subscripciones en GraphQL:

Lab: Robust Microservices

Comment with GitHub Utterances