Sistemas y Tecnologías Web: Servidor

Master de II. ULL. 1er cuatrimestre

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Clase del Lunes 29/11/2021 (Semana C)

Ponerse al día con las prácticas

Hoy Clase del Lunes 29/11/2021 (Semana C) repasaremos por donde vamos con las prácticas anteriores.

Lab: npm module

Observaciones sobre como comprobar el funcionamiento en producción de una github extensión usando GitHub Actions:

Lab: GraphQL-Simple-Server

Continue studying the basics of express and GraphQL

See the hello graphQL example at

Lab: GraphQL-Simple-Client

Lab: GraphQL Subscriptions

Tenemos una nueva práctica en camino sobre las subscripciones en GraphQL:

To understand the fundamental of Subscriptions is convenient to know these three technologies:

  1. EventEmitter.
    • Review the chapter on EventEmitters.
    • If you want to practice more with the event emitters you can optionally do the lab networking.
  2. Another concept that you have to know before going to GraphQL subscriptions is Async Generators. If you don’t feel confident about async generators, review these lessons:

  3. The third technoloy that it is convenient for you to know is websockets. You can optionally do the lab Websockets


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